When you need your firms legal records shredded, think Confidential Shredding, a responsible fully insured and bonded company that holds all the necessary licenses and certifications needed. Companies can keep their clients records confidential and private by shredding them on site by one of our trained technicians.
When legal or court documents need to be destroyed, the technician brings the material to the state of the art vehicle, where it is shredded. All clients are invited to view their material being shredded by looking at the monitor on the outside of the truck. A certificate of destruction is issued to insure that the material was destroyed and recycled.
This legal record purging will help to put you in compliance with the different confidentiality laws, such as FACTA. The current federal privacy laws are very serious and a great concern to lawyers throughout the country. Along with purging records, confidential shredding also provides secure cabinets and totes to store the confidential material. This material is then picked up on a weekly, bi weekly or monthly schedule for destruction.
When you want peace of mind disposing of your legal records, court documents, private briefs or legal invoices, call Confidential Shredding.